Empower Your People Against Online Threats

Simple, effective, empowering


Explore the key features to digital resilience

Learn more about the features StrongLink has to offer

Practical Challenges

Engage with practical challenges that simulate real-world scenarios to test your knowledge and sharpen your problem-solving skills.

Engaging Content

Enjoy learning with interactive content that makes complex security topics both fun and easy to understand.

Quarterly Updates

Stay up-to-date with the latest in security protocols and threats through regular updates that keep your skills sharp.

User Management

Easily manage user roles and access permissions within your organization to ensure everyone has the appropriate level of access.

ISO 27001/ISMS Proof

Our reports give you direct insight on who has completed the training and who still needs to participate. Your auditor will love it.


Earn certificates as you complete security courses, validating your expertise and commitment to maintaining security standards.

What to expect


Get a better understanding of security best practices through direct feedback from the test.

Each module only takes about 5 minutes to complete. Nicely devided by themes that make sense.

By getting feedback per theme, you instantly know your weak links in your organization.

Cyber attachs per day

Avg cost databreach [IBM]

Days before noticed [IBM]

Starts w/ Phishing [Verizon]

Be Stronger

Three Key Reasons to Prioritize Cybersecurity in Your Organization

Protect Your Financial Assets

In an era dominated by digital transactions, relentless cyber threats target corporate finances. Proactive cybersecurity investment shields your assets, preventing substantial financial harm and ensuring operational stability.

Preserve Your Reputation

Customer and partner trust is critical. Yet, a single data breach can irreparably damage your reputation. Investing in cybersecurity demonstrates your commitment to protecting data and maintaining trust, crucial for business success.

Strengthen Collective Defense.

Cybersecurity is a collective imperative, not just an individual responsibility. Enhancing your defenses contributes to a safer internet, reducing opportunities for cybercriminals and fortifying global cyber resilience.

All our paid plans have a 14 day Money-back guarantee

Select Your Plan


Free Plan

0 / mo
  • Free Annual Training
  • LinkedIn Certificate
  • Security Essentials
Get Started!

Small Business

0 /mo /user
  • Free Plan Plus:
  • User Manager
  • Quarterly Training
  • Up to 100 Users

Total Per Year: €

Buy Now

Large & Enterprise

0 /mo /user
  • Small Business Plus:
  • SSO Integration
  • Custom DPA
  • Up to 5000 Users

Total Per Year: €

Buy Now

Custom Plan

  • Large & Enterprise Plus:
  • From 5000 Users
  • Custom Integrations
Contact Us

Here are some of the most common questions we get. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

StrongLink is a cybersecurity training platform that helps you to empower your people against online threats.

We provide you with a platform where you can train your employees against online threats. We offer a variety of training modules that cover topics like phishing, ransomware, malware, and cyber attacks.

We offer a variety of pricing plans that cater to different needs. You can find more information on our pricing page.

Absolutely. Having your employees taking the StrongLink courses is a strong part of any ISMS.